- 01.北极 / 高清
- 02.北极熊:一个夏天的奥 / 高清
- 03.爱在罗马 / 高清
- 04.詹姆斯·卡梅隆:再见 / 高清
- 05.法官老爹 / 高清
- 06.泰坦尼克号 / 高清
- 07.锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间 / 高清
- 08.重返中世纪 / 高清
- 09.时钟 / 高清
- 10.蓝白红三部曲之白 / 高清
- 11.小魔怪 / 高清
- 12.蓝白红三部曲之红 / 高清
- 13.隔壁的男孩 / 高清
- 14.蓝白红三部曲之蓝 / 高清
- 15.雷神 / 高清
- 16.世界末日 / 高清
- 17.特工争风 / 高清
- 18.就是这样 / 高清
- 19.四十而惑 / 高清
- 20.惊爆十三天 / 高清
- 21.像男人一样思考 / 高清
- 22.遗失在火中的记忆 / 高清
- 23.贼世至尊 / 高清
- 24.血色将至 / 高清
- 25.蔚蓝深海 / 高清
- 26.年轻的维多利亚 / 高清
- 27.黄海 / 高清
- 28.X档案:我要相信 / 高清
- 29.X档案:征服未来 / 高清
- 30.摔角王 / 高清
- 31.妙笔生花 / 高清
- 32.黑衣女人 / 高清
- 33.女人 / 高清
- 34.狼人 / 高清
- 35.日落黄沙 / 高清
- 36.狂野大自然 / 高清
Created by Jess Brittain (Skins), Clique is a brand new six-part drama which sees two best friends – Holly and Georgia - drawn into an elite clique of alpha girls led by lecturer Jude McDermid in their first few weeks at university.
In her television debut, Synnove Karlsen will star as Holly alongside The Fall's Aisling Franciosi as her best friend Georgia, while Sherlock's Louise Brealey will star as Jude McDermid and Emun Eliot (Prometheus; Game of Thrones; Star Wars: The Force Awakens; Filth) as her brother, Alistair McDermid.
Rachel Hurd-Wood (Peter Pan; Tomorrow, When the War Began; Perfume: The Story of a Murderer), Sophia Brown, Ella Rae-Smith and Emma Appleton play the 『clique', and they will be joined by Mark Strepan (New Blood), Sorcha Groundsell (Iona), Peter Bankole (The Physician), Chris Fulton (One of Us) and Harris Dickinson (The Medium, Home)
Written by Jess Brittain with Kirstie Swain and Milly Thomas, Clique is a seductive, intense drama about friendship tested to extremes. It is an uncensored exploration of how being a young woman can feel today.
Creator and writer Jess Brittain says: 「Clique is about the different ways ambition plays out in young women at university. It's a heightened version of a certain type of uni experience, pulled from my time at uni, then ramped up a few notches into a psychological thriller. Clique goes to some pretty dark places. But returns, always, to the key female friendships of our central characters」.
Childhood soulmates Georgia and Holly are only a few weeks into the so-called best years of their lives at university in Edinburgh, when Georgia gets drawn into the elite clique of alpha-girls, led by lecturer Jude McDermid. Jude's brand of feminism is alluring, just like the circle of bright students she surrounds herself with. Georgia's effortless entry into the clique leaves Holly out in the cold. But Holly's jealousy soon escalates to panic as Georgia begins acting erratically. Alarmed by this transformation in her best friend, Holly is compelled to follow her into Jude's closely guarded circle.
What she discovers is a seductive world of lavish parties, populated by Edinburgh's highest-powered business men and women. But it's a world underpinned by sordid compromise, and as Holly exposes its deeply corrupt core, the danger mounts from all angles, for her and Georgia. Can Holly reclaim her soulmate? And at what cost to herself?
- 2009-08-261楼 stony 来自114.200.68.*:换换演员 说的再明白点 就啥都有了嘛
- 2009-12-252楼 芥末小馒头 来自223.163.50.*:前半段瞌睡,后半段惊恐。阿尔·帕西诺老派花花公子味道挺特别的
- 2010-01-133楼 頑強的C 来自138.159.235.*:林导在此之后,再也无法超越自己。
- 2010-03-084楼 sevendustbunny 来自157.115.251.*:这节目的拍摄风格我非常,非常喜欢,看到很多celebrity的真实一面。joss stone真乃好脾气知心姐姐。。。
- 2011-02-065楼 乔大路 来自68.161.184.*:彭导,你怎么了彭导,干嘛要学王家卫啊,得其形容易,可王家卫电影里的孤独是融入骨子里的,学不来。分明是效法”靠寻找母亲给生存以理由的阿飞”来讲述这个”靠寻找一条叫伊莎贝拉的狗,得以拯救一个废掉的男人”。还是按自己的风格走,这才是港片,或者电影的出路。115:t42ed8cd25
- 2013-02-216楼 自由飞翔的熊 来自78.35.88.*:我简直无语的烂片~~~全部模仿《穿prada的女魔头》,还学得四不像……纯粹浪费时间好不好!!!
- 2013-11-037楼 十二 来自144.110.130.*:天雷滚滚滚滚················
- 2014-02-118楼 暴富 来自87.180.179.*:龍套:23、24、26。其實還不錯,有空再慢慢補完。
- 2014-06-179楼 Sophie Z 来自216.184.91.*:没有预料到的结局,我以为戒指反弹回来的那一刻就和网球擦网下网一样预示着坏运气,谁知道。他背着网球包出门时撞到的那个老人如果出现指证的话大概就是另一个故事了吧。(PS又是一部全部熟脸的剧,麦哥这个龙套真是……)
- 2015-05-2710楼 志酱 来自246.31.19.*:木南妹子依旧是深夜专业户啊,什么时候能再看到家族八景那种神剧呢~
- 2015-08-0211楼 dAbAozA 来自62.142.204.*:By Sweeneyby Sweeney Todd. The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.
- 2015-08-1612楼 汪金卫 来自127.148.84.*:明显没有捧的那么神嘛!期待过高,整体还是比较让人失望的。8个人8条线索要讲好故事很不容易。中间几集轻重缓急没把握好,显得冗长。只有首尾算是精彩。这8人黑白黄种人,异形同性恋的设定,也充满了政治正确平均主义的味道。全程英语很多地方都很违和。三星半
- 2015-11-0113楼 二二 来自217.149.22.*:挑一个人少的电影院,选一个安静的时间,看一部美好的片,它值得五颗星,可是我想留一星白也好吧。
- 2016-04-1514楼 星 来自159.189.108.*:寄居寄人,韩国能寄生的东西真多
- 2016-05-0415楼 KID 来自250.73.113.*:不管谁给她一点温暖,都会靠近……比松子还惨……
- 2017-05-2716楼 易召 来自156.251.167.*:久违的湾湾综艺味道(还是这个味道更对)。看完前两集不得不说,有了熟悉对味的嘉宾(大S)和能控场的主持人(蔡康永),小S就很容易出彩了。
- 2018-01-2817楼 时之魔法 来自109.63.80.*:看了一集说不如fa的怕是要笑死我
- 2019-05-0318楼 Morning 来自146.168.234.*:这个题材应该交由银河映像去拍,原本的设置就可以发挥到最大。这样的要把人陷入紧张氛围里的影片节奏和表演都要凝练,反而这是现在香港电影最不注意的地方,不受控制的表演和节奏,导致了尾段追踪戏大崩盘,全员毫无智商(戏内和戏外),草草了事。
- 2021-07-1219楼 Zoom.Quiet 来自175.100.154.*:#是也乎# ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 挺好一创意~ 说成了一盘糊里糊涂
- 2022-07-2920楼 翻滚吧!蛋堡 来自183.83.242.*:喜剧不好笑,科幻不硬核,闹剧一场还要上拯救人类的价值,全程尬出星际的那种烂…
- 2023-01-3121楼 金太郎 来自60.62.241.*:钱确实可以买来儿女的陪伴和很多幸福快乐,电影还不错,最后真正获得遗产的是奶奶,新的故事又开始了
- 2023-08-1122楼 moreever17 来自151.6.150.*:刻画原生家庭矛盾的主题不是不行,但矛盾的解开有些太过儿戏了。
- 2024-01-1323楼 咫里 来自195.41.238.*:剧情简介:你救我,我救你,你救我,我救你……
- 2024-02-0124楼 lulala 来自88.129.1.*:M太太下架至少掉一星,还把聪明美丽B小姐换成另一位黑胖蠢笨B小姐,卡司扣大分。
- 2024-02-2825楼 Jomm 来自111.154.99.*:这个剧三观不太正 但确实好看 够精彩