6080新视觉影院 » 剧情片 » 你只需要爱?


布莱恩娜·伊维根 泰勒·布莱克本 凯拉·肯尼迪 阿娜·奥缇兹
英语对白 中文字幕
2016-12-18 15:03:33
Based on the award winning critically acclaimed short film, "Love is All You Need?" is the..详细剧情





Based on the award winning critically acclaimed short film, "Love is All You Need?" is the theatrical feature length version that explores bullying, racism, and prejudice in a way never done before on the big screen. As you read this, a pre-teen or teen, in the United States has committed suicide. Teen suicide in the LGBT community has gained immense popularity on a larger social scale then ever before. While the interest in this social dilemma is thrust into the spotlight none have ever before addressed this social issue in such a manner as Kim Rocco Shields newest film. Love Is All You Need? thrusts its audience into another thought of existence that does more than just acknowledge there is a serious social problem affecting the gay community and does more than just talk about the issue. In Love Is All You Need? its audience lives the issue. Different people and their individual, unique lives intertwine and collide in a world confronted with controversy and forbidden love. This world is very much like our own: filled with family gatherings at church, kids playing in the yard and college frat parties. Except these families are led by same-sex couples, and homosexuality is the expectation. To be heterosexual is to be shunned and ridiculed because it means you are different. In this world, to be GAY is right and to be STRAIGHT is wrong. That's the world of Jude Klein, the star quarterback of the Sparta University football team. While celebrating her most recent win at the Phi Beta Lambda fraternity house party, Jude meets sports journalist Ryan Morris. The two quickly form a romantic bond that must be hidden from the rest of the world. The cold and cruel local priest Rachel Duncan discovers this secret affair, inspiring her to fervently organize a hateful campaign against the local "hetero". Meanwhile, 11-year-old Emily is often teased at her elementary school and is kicked off her school's football team. She finds comfort in her new friendship with Ian Santilli, one of her male classmates. Ashley begins to form a crush on her new playmate, despite how strongly her mother Karen is against being straight. These separate stories connect to each other in unexpected ways as each of them struggle with their own problems in this "gay" world. When you live in a world that hates the way you love, is really love all you need?



  • 2016-05-17
    1楼 YF酱 来自104.68.111.*:You should never feel wrong or alone by being who you are.
  • 2016-11-25
    2楼 night in heart 来自5.228.6.*:it’s hard to be different
  • 2016-11-29
    3楼 +- 来自95.143.206.*:短片拉长成两小时是不是弄巧成拙 故事线共同推进看起来有点杂.异性恋被歧视的社会也是畸形的可笑 Hetero Alliance发传单被拒的时候像是看到现实社会中LGBT人群的影子
  • 2016-11-30
    4楼 Beich 来自102.57.133.*:Fuck all of you for vote three stars.
  • 2016-12-10
    5楼 跑步的老情人 来自126.222.20.*:三年前看的短片,竟然就拍了电影。虽然性向的转变确实是非常好的打脸方式,但是看到电影中的同性被描绘成一种刻薄的感觉,而异性恋莫名美好,就觉得不舒服。唉,这种反来反去的常常让人难以调整。所有人平等,所有感情平等,说来简单,但于个人态度而言,太难。
  • 2016-12-19
    6楼 費丶 来自31.202.103.*:Fuck all of you for vote five stars.
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