- 01.宾虚 / 高清
- 02.我爱贝克汉姆 / 高清
- 03.扭曲的规则 / 高清
- 04.匿名者 / 高清
- 05.奇袭60阵地 / 高清
- 06.伯尼 / 高清
- 07.机器管家 / 高清
- 08.欢迎来北方 / 高清
- 09.十字锁喉手 / 高清
- 10.冒牌老爸 / 高清
- 11.大鱼 / 高清
- 12.双侠 / 高清
- 13.双星伴月 / 高清
- 14.水儿武士 / 高清
- 15.鲸奇 / 高清
- 16.水浒传 / 高清
- 17.飞越未来 / 高清
- 18.女子大乱斗 / 高清
- 19.水浒传2 / 高清
- 20.黑皮书 / 高清
- 21.睡拳怪招 / 高清
- 22.黑死病 / 高清
- 23.死角 / 高清
- 24.黑色炸药 / 高清
- 25.死囚 / 高清
- 26.死亡极速 / 高清
- 27.黑鹰坠落 / 高清
- 28.四骑士 / 高清
- 29.四千金 / 高清
- 30.黑镜-一千五百万的价 / 高清
- 31.黑镜-你的全部历史 / 高清
- 32.太极拳 / 高清
- 33.黑镜-国歌 / 高清
- 34.太阴指 / 高清
- 35.盲流感 / 高清
- 36.玩命追踪 / 高清
At feature length, Puk Grasten’s 37 reconstructs events that took place on March 12 and 13, 1964, in the Kew Gardens neighborhood near Austin Street and the station for the Long Island Railroad. But while the murder of Kitty Genovese might be the most unusual of those events, 37 focuses on the stories and people that surround and bear witness to that horrific act. We see what they see, throughout the day and night. From those many perspectives, the deeper meanings of the Kitty Genovese story – and as it speaks to us today – emerge with new urgency. Just as recent acclaimed films such as Lincoln and Selma have asked us to consider turning points in American history through the prism of contemporary social issues, 37 reimagines the Genovese story through that same historicized lens, as well as the eyes of witnesses to history.
Grasten explains: “With the short film, I was able to explore mood, characters and take on that challenge: how much can you tell the story of Kitty Genovese without her being the main character? And the answer was to further explore the bystanders, to put yourself in that situation.”
Returning to her native country, Denmark, Grasten found development support from New Danish Screen ,the indie department at the Danish Film Institute, which allowed her to fund pre-production and start bringing the project to life. As a feature, 37 is not intended to be documentary or precise reenactment. While some of the actions and general descriptions of the dozen principle figures in the film have some historical parallel, the characters have fictional names and circumstances, except for Kitty Genovese. This reimagination of the event, framed from so many different perspectives, meant giving each character, family, and even specific location a unique look. While certain scenes in 37 will remind viewers of fly-on-the-wall cinema verité, other sequences are more stylized. Grasten began that process of differentiating perspectives by developing a visual “mood book”. “We wanted it to feel like separate worlds for each family – we refer to it as a POV film, with specifically different perspectives from the adults, the children, and the buildings. I rewrote the script specifically with those POVs in mind, trying to capture that subjective experience. These different points of view, different filters, convey different emotions and reactions”.
The visually inspired production concept helped fuel the creative process on-set during the film’s 18-day shooting schedule. “Everyone on the crew had their favorite family or character,” the filmmaker says. “They all found themselves identifying strongly with one perspective or another. It was interesting to see how they discussed or defended different characters ‘actions based on their own life and believes.”
It also helped that Grasten worked with a talented team of actors who understand how to craft deep characters through focused ensemble work, and the ability to inhabit their characters naturally and organically. That can be a particularly vexing challenge when working with children, who populate the film and whose perspectives occupy a great deal of screen time. Already dealing with traumatic issues and finding it difficult to navigate with and understand the adult world, their witnessing of the attack and murder on their young, vivacious neighbor proves especially complex to evoke from young performers under the age of 12.
Puk Grasten explains that the child characters are really the central thread of the film – “They are the ones being taught by circumstances. Combining their perspectives, they become one person when witnessing the murder – Troy hears everything, Billy sees everything, Debbie physically tries to get to Kitty. When they seek the truth, they are confronted with doors shut in their faces. “I’ve worked with kids in short films before, and have used a lot of improvisation and creative games,” Grasten says of nurturing her younger cast members. “I knew I wouldn’t be able to work with these young actors for a long time to deeply develop their characters, so I had to rely a lot on their ability to play along. During auditions, I was interested in the ones who weren’t just saying the words, but wanted to take time to listen and respond. That also meant spending time with the parents, adapting the script where I needed to, and really focusing on the kids before, during, and after each take. By the time we got to the end and the more difficult scenes, I think we all trusted each other enough to get the kids where they needed to be”.
“I had some of the actors in mind when I was writing the script, because I knew their work, but actually getting a chance to work and create with them were a huge opportunity. They felt like real people who lived in that neighborhood, and the creation of their characters extended to costume, makeup, props we all found together. It was a very organic process, and with the liberty of the camera, we could get a lot done – shooting rehearsals, improvising, finding great, real moments that weren’t in the script.”
The detail extended to the neighborhood where 37 was filmed. State law understandably prohibits filmmakers from recreating real-life crimes in the exact locations where they occurred, so Grasten’s crew made do with similar looking buildings and structures located in Forest Hills, just to the north of Kew Gardens.
As the story of Kitty Genovese is reconsidered through the eyes of the characters of 37, Grasten is confident that the film will foster positive and productive discussion despite its still difficult subject matter. “This story is the beginning of what’s going on today, where we see everyone hiding and pointing fingers at others, and we say ‘it’s horrible but someone else will take care of it. We’re behind closed doors, in our own groups, liking things on Facebook. So I’m hoping we can use Kitty Genovese as a place to begin the conversation about how we are asked to stay in our place, instead of being asked to make things right. What is it about everyday life that we refuse to see when bad things happen? Why is it that if we can’t care about ‘everything,’ we can’t care about anything?”
- 2007-11-071楼 taki zhang 来自29.201.26.*:前些日子在个朋友家看的,伊万太帅气俊美了。不得不喜欢他。片子不错,但不想过多评论。只能说太值得一看。
- 2008-01-122楼 沉歌 来自48.28.233.*:YNTV-5。还算紧凑,也很有趣。
- 2008-09-253楼 shu 来自221.149.19.*:我记得那个名为Almasy Bosphorus的锁骨,我无须记得那宏大如诗篇的叙事。
- 2009-09-044楼 hungry 来自106.37.248.*:反英雄片,哈利的tits。。。。。。。。。。。。。黑客看起来好diao但实际上各种夸大
- 2009-12-305楼 好嘢! 来自248.229.168.*:TVB岁末意外惊喜之作,有笑料、有怀旧、有情怀
- 2010-05-116楼 彩虹几度 来自176.70.113.*:阵容豪华,穿插式的步调还不错,可玩味的全反派电影
- 2011-02-267楼 洛。蘑菇 来自158.150.242.*:青春期的狂躁、激情与迷茫,火车呼啸而过,你还在不在这里,或者你只是在我的记忆里。
- 2011-03-178楼 水波 来自167.191.2.*:这真是部乱七八糟奇怪的武侠电影……看来邵氏也偶尔出烂片啊。
- 2011-04-019楼 薇啸 来自119.158.69.*:赵叔说欲望的火花描述的是个诡异的世界,剧情里没有深刻的反省只有无尽的伪善!终于从噩梦中解脱出来……现实是残酷的是JF的。纯洁美好就是撕碎来给人看的。我亲爱的牛奶CP啊,希望你们有一天有情人终成眷属。
- 2012-07-0810楼 Aquarius 来自202.203.238.*:王宝钏本是宰相之女 為薛平贵棄榮華 与父断绝关系 隨平贵在寒窑生活 後平贵参加部队 相府千金贫困潦倒苦等18年 凤凰男另娶妻兒歸來与宝钏團聚 18天後宝钏死因不詳。又一賤男 垃圾劇. 男编劇改編一塌糊涂 男人最渴望的結局. 薛平贵這類人无微不至地描写了男性的自私.
- 2013-03-3011楼 苏乏 来自229.73.103.*:我们又不用进食怎么停得下来?怎么停得下来?暮光系列就是为表现情欲而存在的,摄制组每个部门都在为挑逗青少年而服务,他们以为这样就足够了。
- 2013-05-1312楼 泉の向日葵 来自176.217.85.*:“我们一直想改变世界,最后才发现,其实是世界改变了我们。”从二逼苦逼到牛逼,套三傻+社交网络的壳,是陈可辛对《甜蜜蜜》“外面的世界”的追问。一傻二精三癫狂,邓超戏份不是最多的,心路历程却最具可塑性。高挑冷艳的杜鹃杵那儿就是女神。谈判最赞。金曲迭出。片尾老干妈引来清华整场最热烈掌声
- 2014-08-3013楼 片翼天使 来自66.124.217.*:画质想当不错的作品。迪哥兽全程卖萌。不过主角一开口就是柯南的声音瞬间觉得会死好多....然后还听见了孙悟空的声音。追忆童年来说算是不错的作品
- 2014-11-0114楼 透明 来自70.212.105.*:一年等一回的恐怖仿记录片大餐第三波!!!越等越失落~~
- 2015-08-0115楼 流光溢彩` 来自29.244.23.*:卡梅隆退居二线。场面比上部升级,坚定走大片之路。不算差,但没有自己的特点,不像首部那样纯粹猎杀、惊悚拉满,也没有第2部的人文考究、深度探寻。女终结者是挺好,但真的少了许多压迫感;反类型结局是最大亮点了!没有加分,也没有扣分,三部曲放一起总体来看依旧是经典三部曲之一。在国内上映。无莎拉康纳。
- 2015-11-1016楼 有心打扰 来自16.92.185.*:影片弥补了每位文艺青年在现实生活中无人可聊、无人可以交心、无人可以理解自己的缺憾,而且本片特别优秀的地方是你不用重新买票或重新双击文件,就可以立马再一次观赏同样的剧情,再一次投入“尴尬”之中,简直太人性化处理了。
- 2016-01-0417楼 miko 来自128.136.205.*:海蒂生气对Jimmy大喊Stupid太可爱了,那个手电玩得也很有touch。海蒂这口音和嘉宝有点儿相似,这种带有欧洲大陆腔调的英语反倒挺别致。
- 2016-02-1218楼 Alan 来自107.9.106.*:3.5 这是部要不然爱死要不然恨死的电影 构图和色彩确实很棒 故事就算了吧
- 2016-02-1519楼 诗人橙子 来自44.98.41.*:绝对的好片子 裂墙推荐。实在是因为另一场满了…随手挑了这个片子。真是5分钟一小笑 10分钟哄堂大笑。看那个又懒又慢树獭简直要锤墙了。旁边法国妹子精辟的吐槽!看!这是我们法国人。我要憋到内伤了。最后散场大家都静坐着等着整首歌放完…五星好评。2016年度十佳。
- 2016-05-0220楼 慵银懒鹅 来自204.172.119.*:坂神的故事写成电影不会差 兜兜转转一个圈 看到那生活的希望
- 2016-05-0221楼 HJW2011 来自217.73.10.*:看下来还是觉得蛮有趣的,美式喜剧再次引人大笑
- 2016-07-0922楼 Honglyun 来自2.144.247.*:不要为黑韩剧而黑,作为看了美版傲骨贤妻的人客观来讲看了第一集目前还不错,尊重原著基本没有太大的槽点,要是继续保持这种状态的话,8.5分以上应该没问题
- 2016-11-2623楼 K桑 来自122.217.72.*:导演的切入点非常棒,如果不带同性我也会看其他剧情,而且更新方式很独特,剧里什么时候发生的我们就什么时候看到更新。演技颜值天哪我跟你们讲,太完美了,羡慕北欧的少年们
- 2017-01-3024楼 萨嘎摩多熊猫桑 来自111.181.87.*:前4集一度让我想弃剧,然而到后来却几次都被感动得快要落泪。别人的17岁,电视剧在讲孤独,在讲做自己,在讲包容不一样的人,在讲友情、爱情和亲情,在讲如何和所爱的人度过眼前的困难,哪怕只有下一分钟。小朋友问什么叫成长?我觉得这里面的东西,就叫做成长。
- 2020-02-0825楼 平静去生活 来自118.200.244.*:婚姻生活里太多的争执总是像这样的没有理由,因为一次意外,他获得重新体会爱与别离滋味,她只能在失去爱人的岁月里体会孤独以寻找爱。看完电影,脑中总是在想,为什么一定是她呢?(所有的时间线都会正常下去,除了第一个她)也许她能释怀也是因为她已从一个年轻女人蜕变成一位睿智的老人吧。男女主演技在线,情感真挚饱满,我认为整个剧情靠两人撑起也不为过。另外除开突兀的科技感,一些情节的不合理之处,整部作品还算优秀。如果能再让其他角色更加鲜活一点,情节上制造些对立,毕竟他是来抢你女人的呀!让主题升华,拥有一个内核,那么就是一部在我看来的力荐之作了。
- 2020-03-2126楼 Kowloon Tong 来自82.20.154.*:这两人换了个地方 配角主持人也换 一周五天换到一周一天 难得配方居然没变
- 2021-03-0727楼 飞来飞去的星星 来自239.34.153.*:带货直播,脱贫攻坚,命题作文还不错
- 2021-05-1928楼 豆友108693709 来自254.221.160.*:根本不是大吉大利吃鸡,而是精神错乱,女演员不好看
- 2021-07-0929楼 Querer 来自254.140.119.*:啊,这真的是真人真事吗?我一直以为这是部伪纪录片!这个天才的一生真的很曲折离奇,而且这部纪录片也是我看过的最有意思的纪录片之一了。
- 2021-09-1930楼 Hesperia 来自35.187.91.*:A beautiful story (novel) but the film is a pain to watch....
- 2021-11-2831楼 DAXIANG 来自244.132.199.*:男主这只会皱眉的演技得别了多少根棍子才拿到这角色,女主是又老又整花了
- 2021-12-2432楼 滷蛋滾阿滾 来自4.14.27.*:剧情非常高能,可以从里面学到,如果有一天真的遇到这样的情况的应对处理方式。主角演技非常在线。龚俊在演技上面的细微表情。更是令人值得玩味,眼技真的很好
- 2022-07-2333楼 LALALIE 来自154.158.249.*:更喜欢郑明锡英禑cp的理由,郑的性格更像童心未泯的成人,女主则是律师技能max 的儿童。郑会和女主一起在法庭举手发言,在律所幼稚地“吁吁”,也会关注女主面对客户的状态,一开始担心不能胜任律师的专业嫌弃,为女主天赋折服的小心护航,同进同退,多么契合的一对!!!反观男主和女主的相处,基本靠男主特别的宽容承担,纯纯的成年人的男主就像女主的爸爸一样代替了听鲸鱼的任务,但爸爸有责任和父爱,男主有啥?爱情嘛?善良和耐心虽然美好,但一直一直的话难免美好得不真实,就像女二说得那样,有一天男主厌烦了,女主甚至没什么可指责,人是复杂多面体,变化才合情合理。 正如之前所说,男主也承认了,爱让他恒久忍受无趣的约会,12集男主活了,加分,男主演技不行
- 2022-08-1434楼 水片 来自190.46.193.*:温柔 温暖 温馨 温和 温润 温情 泡温水,真好~
- 2022-09-1135楼 伍仁 来自113.199.247.*:希望能够制作更多这类综艺,让更多人可以了解到我们国家,我们民族的博大精深。
- 2023-02-1336楼 SAM 来自135.172.15.*:为了喜欢的几个演员去看的 确实只是平庸之作。
- 2023-05-3137楼 正经导演 来自241.133.99.*:张丰毅当年说 不敢正眼看关之琳的眼睛 太漂亮了 本片遗憾之处在于经费原因吧 导演无法去拍很多真实的外景 基本都在影棚和影视城拍摄 凛冽的萧瑟感不足 导致杀气不够
- 2023-09-1738楼 miko 来自234.147.213.*:服化道很不错,颜值也很符合,但这个剧情有点弱了,怎么做到的把原著这么精彩的故事拍的这么无聊的
- 2024-01-1539楼 changanxiyu 来自205.53.212.*:小甜水儿谁不爱!甚至会盼着下班回去看完最后一集。最喜欢 Samuel 那一对。
- 2024-03-0740楼 樱桃点点小星星 来自15.163.68.*:醉了反转的有点多呀,男主妈戏份太多,真是复仇虐恋怀孕一条龙~~
- 2024-03-3041楼 西星 来自45.74.29.*:合家欢的爆米花传统搞笑港片 至于剧情,如果不是看在三位主演的份上,2星都嫌多
- 2024-04-1042楼 盧意林 来自240.148.31.*:#1800 #戛纳60周年纪念之作 合集缺少了科恩兄弟,很多意料之外的导演,当时更多是遗憾未能参与到其中的导演,不同导演风格差异明显,最喜欢安哲和北野武的两部
- 2024-04-1143楼 小时代 来自240.147.132.*:这部剧,也是少有的不“神”的抗日剧,讲的更多的是人性。部分场面挺有趣味性的,例如那个经典的“老子今年28了”
- 2024-04-2344楼 lavender 来自165.89.3.*:一部差点因为名字而错过的治愈系日剧。清新、搞笑还有颠三倒四的人生语录,很有趣!可以算是海街日记的搞笑电视剧版本。